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Excellent documentation of all functions at the developer's site - thanks Gary Smith.

== Director 11.5 includes Buddy API (, Buddy File and BaWin) ==

These appear in the result of a "put _player.xtraList" as [#fileName: "Buddy File", #version: "3.1.1"], [#fileName: "Buddy API Xtra", #version: "4.07"], [#fileName: "baWin", #version: "4.03"] HOWEVER they have abbreviated the names you refer to them by thus (eg):

 Bud = new xtra("BudAPI")
 BudF = new xtra("BudFile")
 BudW = new xtra("baWin")

== Function Notes ==

version: 4.07


site = baOpenURL(URL, "maximised") quote: "The URL can be any valid internet URL or a local HTML file." I have also opened a JPG in Preview on a Mac so it may also function as a general file launcher.