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===Problem=== "A duplicate Xtra has been encountered in your Xtras folder(s). Please quit and remove the duplicate to avoid a possible conflict."

===Answer=== "Well, and which xtras are those?"

In case you encounter the problem of duplicate xtras somewhere in your director xtras folder, these two handlers should help you finding out which xtra(s) is/are meant by director's alert at startup:

on findDuplicateXtras()
  --@returns          list
  --@params           none
  --@descr            finds duplicate xtras by their name in the lingo xtra list, not their filename. 8.5, MX04
  --@author           benjaminalbrecht
  --@xmp              put findDuplicateXtras()
  --                  -- ["UtilXtra"]
  tlX = lingoXtraList()  -- XTRAS  
  tlD = []
  tlB = duplicate( tlX ) -- BKP ORIG
  tlX.deleteAll()        -- RESET ORIG
  tC = tlB.count
  repeat with i = 1 to tC
    if tlX.getPos( tlB[i] )=0 then tlX.append( tlB[i] ) -- NO DUPL
    else                           tlD.append( tlB[i] ) -- DUPL
  end repeat
  return tlD
end findDuplicateXtras

on lingoXtraList()
  --@returns        list
  --@params         none
  --@descr          return sorted list (from the xtras)
  tLst = []
  tnX = the number of xtras
  repeat with i = 1 to tnX
    tLst.add( (xtra i).name )
  end repeat
  return tLst
end lingoXtraList