Shockwave Player Version History

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Shockwave 11.5


November 3, 2009

  • Fix for an invalid index vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-3463).
  • Fix for invalid pointer vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-3464, CVE-2009-3465).
  • Fix for an invalid string length vulnerability that could potentially lead to code execution (CVE-2009-3466).
  • Fix for a boundary condition issue that could lead to a Denial of Service (DoS) issue (CVE-2009-3244).


July 23, 2009

  • Bounding Sphere in Physics was not accurate when using a sphere proxy.
  • Font Style not working properly
  • GetPref() will also read Shockwave 10 preferences if the information is not available in Shockwave 11/11.5 preference.
  • GetStreamStatus was not working properly when using GetNetByteArray().
  • Multi-part encoding was not conforming to standard when using PostNetByteArray()
  • Memory leak in Physics for 6DOF joints.


June 16, 2009

  • Cross Domain MU Xtra Crash fix
  • Fix for Dynamiks Xtra crash on Mac
  • Fix for 24-bit sound support (Breaking dependency on Sound Import Export Xtra).
  • Fix for Bug # 2320610: _movie.systemDate().seconds incorrect
  • Modified InetUrl xtra to handle >500 bytes of HTTP response header.
  • Security update
  • Payload update


April 30, 2009

  • Improper Sprite height calculation with Fixed line height in Text member
  • Audio with Cue-points not working on Macintosh.
  • Some audio resources speed up by several times when a content created on previous version of Director is played on Shockwave 11.5
  • When MP4 files are imported as sound, certain part of the sound was getting truncated.
  • Byte Array compression not working properly

Shockwave (initial release)

March 23, 2009

Shockwave 11


January 27, 2009

  • No changes in functionality & features
  • Changes only to payload

Shockwave (Hotfix 3)

November 8, 2008

  • Kerning was not available in Director 11.

Kerning is implemented for the font types supported by Director 11.

  • There were additional spaces at the end of the line when text was justified.

Bug is fixed. Justification of text correctly takes into account spaces at the end of the line.

  • When the sprite width was greater than 1536 pixels, text was not rendered properly. A black patch appeared in the text window\text sprite in some cases.

This issue is fixed for text sprites whose width and the height is greater than 1536 pixels.

  • Director used to crash when the following fonts were applied to the text sprite. (Mac OSX 10.5)
    • ApplySymbols
    • Papyrus
    • Papyrus condensed
    • STHeiti( Light)
    • STHeiti( Regular )
    • Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro
    • Hiragino Mincho Pro
    • STFangSong
    • LiSong Pro
    • STSong
    • STKaiti

This issue has been fixed.

  • Certain custom icons appeared fuzzy on the projector.

This issue has been fixed.

  • Changes to the value for friction and restitution of rigid bodies after collision did not have any effect on the Physics World.

This issue has been fixed.

  • When force was applied to a rigid body in a Physics World, a spin was observed.

This is because the rigid body always has an affinity towards the world axis. A new rigid body property, called axisAffinity, has been added. The value of the axisAffinity property is true by default. The affinity towards the world axis is compensated by setting the property to false. When you set the property to false, the spin is not observed. The computations are more when axisAffinity is false; set the property to false only when required. Sample code snippet

aball = pDynamiks.createRigidBody(,,#sph ere,#dynamic)
aball.sleepThreshold = 100
aball.friction= 1
aball.restitution = 0
aball.axisAffinity = false
  • The Maintain Proportion option in the Sprite’s scale dialog box, and Transform bitmap dialog box, did not produce the required results in Director on a MAC 10.4 G5 machine.

This issue has been fixed for both the dialog boxes.

  • Externally linked Scripts got deleted when external files had MAC line ending characters.

This problem occurred when a text file created on MAC with MAC line endings was imported to a Windows machine and saved. This issue has been fixed.

  • On a computer running on Windows Vista, Flash and Shockwave content on the same HTML page were not able to communicate.

This issue has been fixed.

  • The value of timestep and substep was not ignored in the Automatic time step mode while initializing the Physics body.

Automatic time step is supposed to take the elapsed time for advancing the Physics World simulation. This was not working properly for all values of time step.

  • Physics Xtra throws an error when the value for the timestep and substep parameters is zero in the Automatic time step mode.

This is a valid value for automatic time step and no error is thrown when you specify a value of zero. However, zero values for timestep and substep are invalid for other modes and the error will be shown

  • Memory leak when models were cloned using cloneModelFromCastMember() and resetworld()

Models and texture files were not cleaned as intended when cloneModelFromCastMember() and resetworld() were used. This resulted in a small memory leak.

  • Downloading a new version of the custom Xtra did not replace the previous version after the user closed the browser

When a user plays a Shockwave movie that requires the latest version of a custom Xtra, the custom Xtra is downloaded to the user’s computer in the same location as the previous version of the Xtra. The new Xtra is placed in a folder named New. This happens only when a previous version of the custom Xtra exists on the computer. When the user closes the browser, the new version should replace the previous custom Xtra and the “New” folder should get deleted. This was not happening and has been fixed now. The new custom Xtra replaces the previous version when:

  1. The user closes the browser.
  2. The Shockwave player is opened in a new instance of the browser. This happens, if for some reason, the Shockwave player did not unload the new Custom Xtra when the user closed the browser.
  • Feature Enhancement

rayCastAll method in Physics(Dynamiks xtra) takes an optional parameter for sorting the returned list. Usage

<list> world.rayCastAll(vector origin,vector direction,[[#sorted:#distance]])

Description This method returns references of all the rigid bodies or terrains that are found along the ray from the specified origin and specified direction. The method also returns the point of contact, contact normal, and the distance from the origin of the ray. Parameters parameter Description Origin Required. Vector that specifies the origin of the raycast direction Required. Vector that specifies the direction of the raycast. [#sorted:#distance] Optional list. Specifies that the returned list should be sorted on distance Return parameter This method returns a list containing a list having the following information:

  • Rigid body / Terrain reference
  • Contact Point
  • Contact Normal
  • Distance of the rigid body or terrain, from the origin of the ray.


-- Lingo Syntax
lstraycast = member("PhysicsWorld").rayCastAll (vector(10,0,0),vector(0,0,1))
-- Returns an unsorted list containing the above parameters
put lstraycast
lstraycast = member("PhysicsWorld").rayCastAll (vector(10,0,0),vector(0,0,1),[#sorted:#distance])
-- Returns an sorted list containing the above parameters
put lstraycast
// JavaScript Syntax
var lstraycast = member("PhysicsWorld").rayCastAll (vector(10,0,0),vector(0,0,1));
// Returns a unsorted list containing the above parameters
lstraycast = member("PhysicsWorld").rayCastAll (vector(10,0,0),vector(0,0,1), propList(symbol("sorted"),symbol("distance")));
// Returns a sorted list containing the above parameters

Shockwave 11.0.1.x (Hotfix 1)

April 25, 2008

This hotfix was only for the Mac platform.

  • Referencing a cast member fails when the Cast name has special characters like !, @, #, $,  %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, |, },etc
  • Shockwave Audio (SWA) files were not streamed properly.
  • Field component performance is very slow on MAC

Director 11 initial release

April 1, 2008

Issues resolved with Director 11:

  1. Shockwave freezes in Firefox after some operations
  2. Sound is not playing properly in some 3D games. It crashes in some instances.
  3. Projector crashes when we minimize the projector window while the dissolve pattern transition is being played.
  4. Audio compression settings not stored with the movie
  5. Cut, Copy, Paste & Undo are not working in Projector Message Window in Mac
  6. Director crashes on importing PSD file
  7. Director crashes when voiceSpeak() is used to speak out a string repeatedly for more than 255 times. It crashes exactly at 255.
  8. When we insert an animated GIF, the filename and path is not retained in the animated gif dialog. Thus when we make changes and press OK, its asking for the file again.
  9. File gets created even on cancelling export operation and also unwanted dialog box appears
  10. Exporting a movie and pressing Cancel for rewrite of original file, corrupts the same.
  11. In Mac If we publish DCR and HTML files into different folders, nothing comes in the Browser when someone plays the HTML file.
  12. Director crashes when text is entered in the paint window for larger font sizes
  13. Director crashes when we click on Options button in 'Export' dialog and change the positions of the slider for Quality
  14. Director crashes when we export any movie with linked sound file
  15. When we select a sprite on the score and use Ctrl+down/up arrow to change its position on the score, its position on the stage also changes
  16. Find is not getting enabled the first time we open the media editor by double clicking on the text cast member.
  17. Shortcut to Find again is not working when we deselect the text and try.
  18. Director crashes when we try to double click on the custom cursor created.
  19. In Mac Scroll bar for 'selected files list' is not working in choose files to update box when few movies are added for upgradation.
  20. In Mac Remove button is not working in Update box , to remove movies added to upgrade.
  21. Director Application crashes after quiting when External cast library is opened.
  22. Director crashes on the Export Dialog Box when we change format to quicktime, click on options and then click OK button
  23. Director crashes while exporting a director movie as quicktime(.mov). After the crash it does not allow us to save the movie even after it throws up a dialog box which says Save before Exit
  24. When media type AVI is on stage , moving stage's scroll bar will cause AVI member to stop while playing and there is serious redraw issue.
  25. Crash is happening while tried to change location of DVD asset to some invalid location.
  26. Shift key not working properly on Mac-Tel
  27. Director crashes on skewing paint to a large extent
  28. Director crashes on moving the text box containing long string in the paint window
  29. Director crashes on entering very long string in paint window
  30. Movie rate comes down to 20 or less fps from 30fps when inline double dyte characters are being typed or deleted.The movie crashes 25 percent of the times when we keep pressing a double byte character.
  31. On MacIntel, when the External Editor feature of Director is used to edit a bitmap file on Fireworks 8 (or 9), the changes done in Fireworks does not get reflected in Director.
  32. [XDK] IMoaDrCast::DuplicateCastMem() returns incorrect value
  33. Serious redraw occurs when we close the score when in TabMax and open it when in full screen.
  34. Cuepointnames and cuepointtimes are not displayed in the PI.Only the tooltip appears.
  35. In Mac when we try to export a saved movie in any format, the name for the exported file comes as <moviename.dir>.mov or <moviename.dir>.avi. The .dir shouldn't be included.
  36. Scroll bars of 'selected files list' is not working on the import dialog box
  37. In Mac Serious redraw occurs when we maximize the cast window in the Director 8 panel set.
  38. In XDK Most of the callback interface functions are not handling NULL argument and are crashing director
  39. In Mac Text is entered in the text/field cast member added even though focus is not there
  40. line..of method is not working
  41. In Mac when the export operation is in progress (eg. export of movie as avi) clicking cancel doesn't halt the operation. Instead, it continues till completion.
  42. Exported file is not proper if you export a director file having pict,swf, psd etc files as an AVI
  43. In shockwave netStatus command is not working
  44. setposition() method of fileIO xtra is not working correctly
  45. readtoken( )' method of FileIO xtra is not working
  46. In Import dialog box, if a file name is entered in the text field and Import button is clicked, the file doesn't get imported.
  47. Director crashes when we open a movie which had a conversion of a string(length more than 256 chars) into a symbol.
  48. In Mac when we try to create any flash component on stage, they are not visible unless we click on the stage once again after they are created.
  49. Using SetVariable am not able to set the value of a global variable
  50. In Mac Real media videos have stopped working in Director. For real media sprites, we get an alert saying real player needed...
  51. Director crashes on using Newobject
  52. In Mac when RGB is selected as the color mode and we choose a palette, we find that the color palette doesn't reflect any of the changes.
  53. Lingo: List comparison causes director to crash
  54. In Mac Intel, long file names are not imported as they are. They are changed to a format where after 5 or 6 characters, the rest of the name is converted to '# ' followed by 4 numbers.
  55. In Mac Director crashes on running movie with wrong script
  56. In Mac we are unable to remove files from the import list once we have done ADD ALL.
  57. In Mac Director crashes on closing DVD editor window with DVD inserted
  58. Lingo command put the abbreviated date changes the windows explorer date format in WindowsXP Japanese Language
  59. Browser dependencies movie not working in MacIntel, MacPPC, Win-Firefox - only working in windows IE.
  60. When we click on the colors in the custom color palette, its not getting reflected in the color palette of Paint.
  61. In Using ReadWord() Lingo Function- The last word in a line along with the new line character and the next word is taken as one word.
  62. _movie.puppetTransition() and puppetTransition() functions behaving inconsistently
  63. In Find cast member dialog, the cast member names and cast names are not properly demarcated.
  64. When line size is changed from the property inspector the effect is not visible on the sprite.
  65. Director crashes when modifying the castMemberList property of a cursor cast member
  66. Director hangs and crashes when we press a key while an item is hilighted on the list box flash component
  67. When we give Quicktime movie options and click on Cancel, while exporting application crashes.
  68. IE 7 crashes when we publish the bug movie as HTML and navigate between the URL'sAI
  69. Bad redraw on the stage while selecting sprites on the stage after playing the movie.
  70. Director crashes when assigning non-bitmap mask to a quicktime sprite
  71. When we publish a Windows Projector from Mac, some of the linked AVI files do not show up in the Windows projector when played on Windows.
  72. Director crashes on entering sprite name for text sprite
  73. A Quicktime movie when rotated while playing appears in 2 or more frames at the same time resulting in an incorrect behaviour.
  74. Director Crashes : Selecting a pattern for airbrush and drawing using the airbrush, results in a crash on closing the paint window and reopening it.
  75. Date Chooser- is not working properly on mac. The Properties like disabling and convertion of day from names to number is not working.
  76. External cast members are not displayed in the projector unless we create a CXT out of them and put them in the same directory as the projector.
  77. In Mac when stage and score are docked together, mouseup script(not associated with any sprite) is executed, even when we click on score
  78. On giving invalid values(eg. 1234567 for spread) to the gradient parameters(spread, angle, xoffset etc) for vector shapes, the parameters are not accepting keyboard inputs.
  79. Director crashes when a big arc is drawn in the paint window.
  80. Flash Component - Text Input Box( Can enter Text even after the field is disabled)
  81. _system.memorySize property doesn't work on macintosh
  82. TGA compressor is not available on Macintosh for QT export
  83. Exporting as PICT on macintosh is not adding correct filename extension.
  84. The cursor is causing redraw issues on the text which is made italic.
  85. 'Add All' button in the Import dialog is getting enabled only after we select a file.
  86. In Mac Last row of pattern settings dialog box from Paint window is displayed as blank
  87. Preload field for a cast member is not displaying correctly under property inspector window in Mac-Intel
  88. In Mac Unable to import files from internet
  89. The import of video files(mov, avi) from internet is not happening
  90. In the browse window of Animated GIF dialog box (Insert Menu->Media Element) click cancel with the text field empty. Choose file dialog props up.
  91. In Mac when QT member is placed on stage, cmd-shift and click on sound controller pushbutton does not offer override volume range. Also option+RIGHT/Left pushbutton of controller is not working as per expected [fast forward/backward] on satge.
  92. In Mac we are not able to copy or cut QT movie by shift-select using controller bar.
  93. Lingo.ini does not get executed on MacIntel. It may or may not have unicode names.Even Placing it from Configuration folder to Adobe Director folder does not help.
  94. memberObjRef.move() function does not move the cast member from one cast library to another
  95. 3D sprites do not appear in the image file that is published through Director.
  96. Error pops up while trying to change the name of a cast member using JavaScript. This happens when the button in the movie has more than one behaviour attached to it
  97. Export of current frame as BMP replaces wrong file
  98. In Mac tracking freebytes fails
  99. In Mac when we uncheck the show stage scrollbars in the general preferences and then go to Window>Panle Sets> Default. Redraw issue occurs with the stage.
  100. In Script and Message Windows, Lingo popdown menu (Categorized Lingo) working incorrectly for all ImageObject functions. The code snippet is incorrect
  101. Shadow image appears in the middle of the script editor on duplicating a script using Ctrl+D
  102. Director crashes on Inserting a gif file from the Animated GIF dialog box (Insert Menu->Media Elements)
  103. The Colors in the tool palette are not coming to the previous colors chosen, when we change the color in paint or vector and then come back to stage.
  104. In the dictionary support of script window, some example text has extra unnecessary braces. (eg. 3d Ling/Javascript >>Member -Sprite >> addCamera)
  105. A dependent file cannot be added by typing the file path and clicking on Add button.
  106. newColorRatio() method does not produce appropriate error messages when invalid values are passed as arguments.
  107. Execution of the lingo script castLib(1).selection = [ [ -10, 10] ] makes Director hang
  108. Tabbed view of Stage and Score is lost when publishing an image file(JPG file)
  109. In Mac Shockwave not working in Firefox
  110. Flash Component - DateChooser - monthNames property is not working
  111. Flash Component - DateChooser - dayNames property is not working
  112. DateChooser Component -- disabledDays property is not working
  113. Flash Component- Combo Box( The Visible- Invisible) Property doesnt work Properly.
  114. Remove button not highlighted when any particular file is selected in Open dialog box which appears on clicking Add Dependent files button

Shockwave 10


November 3, 2009

  • no official change log available


Shockwave Player version for backward compatibility mode in Shockwave Player 11.x

  • No fixes or changes publicly known


August 22, 2007

  • Installation of Symantec Norton Security Scan will be offered when Google Toolbar can not be offered.
  • During Auto Update, a system tray icon will be added if network connectivity is unavailable after the system is restarted. (Not available for upgrades from and
  • After installation the browser will not be redirected to


May 7, 2007

  • ActiveX, Content-driven install for Vista users.
  • No browser restart required for all Windows users.
  • Users can choose DirectX 5 or 7 for 3D rendering instead of software rendering.
  • Install immediate process changed to install at restart of system.
  • Registration dialog of (Atom Entertainment) shown during installation removed; instead, browser launched and registration page on site is shown.


April 15, 2007

  • Keyboard bug fix.
  • Fix to allow version 8.5 to upgrade to this version.


September 29, 2006

  • This is an update release of the Shockwave Player that includes fixes for the auto update issues. With, users would be offered to upgrade from Shockwave 8.x or higher. It may be noted that no feature has been removed and no function is deprecated in this release.


March 14th, 2006

  • Opening a new browser window with Shockwave and QuickTime content crashes the browser when using QuickTime Player 7 on a Windows platform.
  • QTVR sprites are non-functional on a Windows platform when using QuickTime Player 7.
  • Toggling the directToStage property of a QTVR sprite or member interrupts proper cursor display and VR navigation.
  • Calling swing() fails to visually animate a QTVR sprite that is being shown as non-direct-to-stage.
  • Flash sprites with editable text regions do not properly display the I-beam cursor.
  • Flash sprites fail to show the highlight cursor when displayed within Director or Shockwave.
  • Update the copy of zLib used within DP - this is a security related update.
  • Calling (the stage).image.ilk() triggers a crash.
  • DVD Asset Xtra will not auto-download properly for a version 10.0 movie saved/edited on only one platform.
  • Update auto-download URLs for DVD, 3D and Windows Media Asset Xtra packages.
  • Crash when playing a movie with a linked Director movie (a linked DCR) when that linked movie has not finished loading.
  • Using preloadMovie and then calling play movie crashes when using network-based movie files.
  • Update the copy of zLib used within the Xtra.
  • Update jpeg libraries in use - this is a security related update.
  • Firefox 1.5 breaks Shockwave content on non-US systems.
  • Provide support for Flash 8 SWF files.
  • Crash when trying to access the labels property of a List component sprite.
  • Unable to set the labels property of a List componentsprite.
  • User-entered changes within a Text Input component are lost when component sprite properties are changed.
  • Return value formats for Flash component array properties vary depending on how those properties were set.
  • Pressing any key causes a crash if the Tree View component is on stage without a selected node.
  • Crash when trying to access the data property of a List component sprite.
  • Include Flash Player 8 security fixes.
  • Update zLib in use within the Flash 8 Asset Xtra.
  • Flash text fields skip an extra line when using the arrow keys to move up or down through the text (Internet Explorer-only).
  • Flash text fields skip an extra character when using the arrow keys to move left or right through the text (Internet Explorer-only).
  • Flash asset can read keyboard even if it is not the frontmost app.
  • Update the Flash Asset with Flash Player 7 security fixes.
  • Update the Flash Asset to use the new zLib found in DP.
  • Update the Flash Asset to use the new jpeg libraries found in IML.
  • Short sound samples can crash the player when using MacroMix as the sound device (bug was fixed a while ago, now the new Xtra is included in the installer by default).
  • Cursor may be hidden when the cross-domain security dialog appears.


September 16, 2004

  • DVD event notification crashing due to calling player on another thread.
  • DVD disk eject message not being sent to sprite.
  • Users cannot specify xtra downloading for DVD Asset and Windows Media Asset unless they manually edit the xtrainfo.txt file.
  • Setting the stage's title in authoring via the Property Inspector fails to update the stage window's title string.
  • Crash cut/paste quicktime sprite after preview of Display Template.
  • Cannot specify defaults for publish settings.
  • Default setting for Loop option in Files tab of Publish Settings dialog box is not working correctly.
  • Crash when publishing if user adds files to a projector and publishes twice without closing the publish settings dialog box, but with making additional changes to publish settings.
  • MIAW windows opened by the stage movie in authoring may not obey settings of window rect property.
  • Opening Director 8.5 movies with QTAsset in xtralist truncates the name in the xtralist.
  • Some publish settings defaults are not working.
  • exitLock is not functioning correctly with Windows projector created on Macintosh systems.
  • Publish settings should have a way to provide the 'factory default' settings.
  • Using _system.environmentPropList while Director is quitting causes a fatal error.
  • Default tool palette incorrect for international versions.
  • 'Row Width Setting' (cast pref) of a Director MX movie is lost in Director MX 2004.
  • InstallMenu command in authoring fullscreen not functioning correctly.
  • Macromix is required to play sound in a Flash sprite on Windows.
  • MovieXtraList: update movieXtralist when opening old movies, Xtras are marked for download if needed if there is a download path in xtrainfo.txt, always uses xtrainfo.txt to look up names for Xtras on the other platform.
  • Tool MIAW's have a Windows task bar entry if their title bar is not visible
  • Projector splash screen images cover up the edu/nfr/trial spoiler on projector launch.
  • Shockwave projectors should put downloaded Xtras in the same folder used by Shockwave.
  • Title bar of fullscreen projector appears deactivated.
  • Stage image size is being incorrectly captured. Change to object model: windowObject.image,movieObject.image.
  • Auto-download of Xtras. This change is targeted to Shockwave, but the code can be invoked in projectors that usegotoNetMovie to load a movie.
  • The Shockwave player's download progress bar doesn't include downloading Xtras.
  • Shockwave projectors that use xtras will get the missing xtra alert if you have used the slim installer for shockwave.
  • Add a watermark for .dcr files or projectors made with the trial version.
  • Behaviors removed from a sprite'sscriptInstanceList continue to block mouse events.
  • Auto-download of xtras. This change is targeted to shockwave, but the code can be invoked in projectors that usegotoNetMovie to load a movie.
  • The installMenu command in a full screen projector does not work properly.
  • Missing SWA decompression Xtra error alert, even though Xtra gets downloaded.
  • QuickTime Xtra download not working correctly for old movies.
  • On OS X Flash Asset not being downloaded in welcome movie. After ultrashim install, the redirect page causes Flash asset to not get recognized after download. Autodownload can override official Macromedia package locations.
  • StageTitleBarOptions true/false condition with theinstallMenu command in the fullscreen view is not functioning as expected.
  • In fullscreen Projector, ESC key is not functioning immediately after using the StageTitleBarOptions visibility.
  • InstallMenu fails with error if called in the scope of MIAW while the stage titlebar is not visible.
  • Director crashes when getting errors in JavaScript handlers.
  • When gotoNetMovie starts, it disablesstreamStatus notifications.
  • Closing a projector with the 'X' button will interrupt frame scripts.
  • Allow another parameter in optional property lists that is passed to importFileInto.
  • Non-visible scrollable fields show a ghost of their scrollbar.
  • Masked tool windows now get a gray border even when no border is set.
  • Can't publish classic projectors on Windows.
  • Fix leaks in XMLParser when using child property access.
  • Setting the stage's title in authoring via the Property inspector fails to update the stage window's title string.
  • Browser crash after playing 3D content.
  • UpdateStage in getUrl handler sometimes triggers Flash event a second time.
  • Flash Asset can crash when moving to a new frame with a new flash sprite.
  • Flash Sprites link (10.0.1 injection).

Shockwave 10.0.1

  • Assigning void to a flash array value converts it to zero.
  • VOID turns into zero when passed as a parameter to a flash function.
  • Memory leaks with all property access calls for SWC sprites.
  • Captions in RoboDemo or Turbo Demo movies (Flash 6 .swf) are showing a white (Windows) or red (Macintosh) border around the caption.
  • Web Services cannot be accessed via SWF assets within Director, projectors or Shockwave.
  • Web Services cannot be accessed via SWF assets within Director, projectors or Shockwave. A "Connection: Close" header added to process a Web Services requests from http 1.1 servers.
  • Publish preview fails if the file is on the desktop and the browser is open (Japanese only).
  • Support custom mime types when using postNetText.
  • Application crashes when the Exit Preview button is pressed from the Display Template tab of the Property inspector and a QT sprite is on stage, and the "docking" option is selected.
  • Windows media does not play on some systems unless user is an administrator
  • Alert message and OK button are not displayed in an alert dialog box when called from a SWC sprite's change handler.
  • Crash if sound Xtras are not present and SWA playback is attempted.


April 1, 2004

  • details to come later

Shockwave 10.0.0

March 25, 2004

  • details to come later