More Fun with Maze Games
October 31, 1999
by Pat McClellan
Dear Multimedia Handyman,
I am working on a maze game. I need to make the character control by four arrow keys (left, right, up and down ). How do i make the character move inside the maze without working through the wall? Thank you for your help!
Dear Pat,
I've received several similar maze movement questions, so I'll try to show you a couple of approaches. I hope you'll pardon my simplistic graphics and poor maze design.
Here's an example where the maze is static and the character moves around by pressing the J, L, I, and K keys. I don't use the arrow keys because in Shockwave on some browsers, the arrow keys are reserved for browser functions so that's not dependable. As you'll see by pressing those keys, the "character" (light green dot) moves around the maze, stopping when it bumps into a wall. Here's how I did it.
The walls are quickdraw sprites, all from a single cast member. Each wall, including the four outside boundaries, is a separate sprite. Of course, it would be easier to create a beautiful graphic maze in Photoshop and then import that as a single cast member and have it in a single sprite channel. However, in order to detect when the character bumps into a wall, I need to have each wall as a separate sprite. You'll see why in a moment.
The character sprite has a behavior I call mazeMan. When the sprite is initiated (beginSprite), it sends out a call to all the other sprites to add their bounding rects to a list, pRectList. (For any sprite, the rect is the rectangle which is the outer boundary of the sprite.) So mazeMan compiles this list of the boundaries of all the walls. When the key is pressed, the mazeMan behavior figures out the next place that the character should move, then checks in the list to see if it will intersect with any of the rects in the list. If an intersection is found, that means it would cross a wall boundary, so the character stops. However, if no intersection is found, then the character moves to the new spot.
That's the concept, now let's get to the code. Since we're using the keys to move this character around, we'll need to write a keyDownScript. You can't use a keyDown handler within a behavior for mazeMan because keyDown events are only recognized within movie scripts, or in behavior scripts for editable fields or text. So we'll set up a movie script (we'll use the startMovie script) which sets the keyDownScript to "passKeyEvent" -- that's just a name I made up for a custom handler. The passKeyEvent handler simply sends out a message to the mazeMan sprite, telling it to pay attention to the key that was pressed (getKey). I use a global variable, gMazeMan, to hold the number of the mazeMan sprite. You'll see in the mazeMan behavior that it sets the value of gMazeMan.
on startMovie set the keyDownScript to "passKeyEvent" end on passKeyEvent global gMazeMan sendSprite gMazeMan, #getKey end passKeyEvent
Whenever a key is pressed, the keyDownScript sends a message to sprite(gMazeman) and tells it to getKey. That means that our mazeMan behavior will need to have a handler called getKey which will look at which key was pressed and respond.
Here's the mazeMan behavior:
property pSprite, pRectList, pMoveIncr, pRIGHTkey property pLEFTkey, pUPkey, pDOWNkey, pHDir, pVDir global gMazeMan -- should be applied to sprite moving through maze -- NOTE: this sprite must be in a higher numbered -- sprite channel than the maze walls on getPropertyDescriptionList me set pdlist to [:] addprop pdlist, #pMoveIncr, [#comment:"Move increment ¬ (pixels):", #format:#integer, #default:8] addprop pdlist, #pRIGHTkey, [#comment:"Right Key:", ¬ #format:#string, #default:"L"] addprop pdlist, #pLEFTkey, [#comment:"Left Key:", ¬ #format:#string, #default:"J"] addprop pdlist, #pUPkey, [#comment:"Up Key:", ¬ #format:#string, #default:"I"] addprop pdlist, #pDOWNkey, [#comment:"Down ¬ Key:", #format:#string #default:"K"] return pdlist end getPropertyDescriptionList on beginSprite me gMazeMan = me.spriteNum pRectList = [] sendAllSprites(#reportRect, pRectList) pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum) pHDir = 0 pVDir = 0 end beginSprite on getKey me pHDir = 0 pVDir = 0 case the key of pRIGHTkey: pHDir = 1 pLEFTkey: pHDir = -1 pUPkey: pVDir = -1 pDOWNkey: pVDir = 1 end case end on prepareFrame me if pHDir <> 0 OR pVDir <> 0 then currentRect = pSprite.rect deltaH = pHDir * pMoveIncr deltaV = pVDir * pMoveIncr deltaRect = rect(deltaH, deltaV, deltaH, deltaV) newRect = currentRect + deltaRect repeat with mazeRect in pRectList if intersect(newRect, mazeRect) > 0 then pHDir = 0 pVDir = 0 exit end if end repeat pSprite.rect = newRect end if end
Special note: when you enter a frame, sprites execute their beginSprite handlers in the order of the sprite channels. So, a beginSprite handler on sprite 1 executes before sprite 2 gets around to instantiating its behavior. For example, suppose that we put our mazeMan in sprite 1 and then put all of our maze wall sprites in the higher numbered channels. When mazeMan executes its beginSprite handler, it will send out a message to all sprites to reportRect. At that moment, the behaviors on the other sprites aren't in existence yet, so nobody reports their rect. For this exact reason, mazeMan needs to be in a higher sprite channel than any of the sprite which report their rects. (If you really need mazeMan to be in a lower numbered sprite channel (maybe for graphic layering reasons), then you simply need to make sure that all of your maze wall sprites begin at least one frame before the mazeMan sprite.)
When mazeMan sends out the command to reportRect, all of the maze wall sprites add their bounding rects to a list called pRectList. This only needs to happen once, since the walls aren't moving.
The getKey behavior simply converts the key that was pressed into directional values for the character. The properties pHDir and pVDir refer to the horizontal and vertical direction that the character will move. If the value is 0 then the character is stopped. A value of 1 will move the character to the right or down, while a value of -1 will move the character up or left. The getKey handler doesn't actually move the character, it simply sets the directional value which we'll soon need.
The real meat of this behavior is the prepareFrame handler. This handler executes before each new frame is drawn. Since we don't need to bother doing any calculations if the character is standing still, the first line checks to see if the keys have been pressed (requesting the character to move.) If the values of both pHDir and pVDir are 0, then we can skip the rest of the handler.
Assuming that either pHDir or pVDir have been set to 1 or -1, then we need to see if moving in that direction will cause us to intersect with a wall. Start by calculating the newRect that the character will have if we make the move. That value is computed by taking the current Rect of the character sprite and adding a "deltaRect" to it. deltaRect is a bogus variable which simply converts the direction and increment of the move into a rect format so that it can be added to currentRect. This yields the value newRect. The next step is to check to see if newRect intersects with any of the wall sprite rects in pRectList. If an intersection is found, pHDir and pVDir are reset to 0 and the character doesn't make a move. Otherwise, the character sprite's rect is set to the newRect value, which has the effect of moving the sprite on the stage.
Here's the behavior which must be attached to all of the "wall" sprites. This behavior will know what to do with that command. It's a very short behavior which simply adds the wall sprite's rect to the pRectList.
-- attach to maze wall sprites on reportRect me, pRectList myRect = sprite(me.spriteNum).rect add pRectList, myRect end
That's all there is to this type of maze game. But, what if your game has a huge maze -- many times larger than the stage? What if you want your character to stay stationary in the center of the stage while the maze scrolls up and down and left and right around the character? Here's an example:
For this type of maze movement, we'll need to revise our concept a little bit. Some parts are the same; for every move, we'll check the intersection between the character's rect and the list of wall rects -- and either allow the move or not. What's different here is that we'll have to calculate the newRects of all of the walls in the rectList, and we'll need to move all of the wall sprites (and perhaps other objects in the maze) instead of the character. When this happens, we'll have to update our pRectList to show the new rects of all of the walls. That means that we'll have to do a lot more calculations for every move... or maybe not! Ready for a little abstract thinking?
Even though the character is stationary and the maze is moving around it, the player's perception is that the character is moving through the maze -- just like the first game. Why? Because the player isn't locked into perceiving the world based on the rectangle defined by the stage. So, let's take the same liberty and think in terms of virtual rects.
You may have noticed that I used the same maze design for both demos above. In the first case, each move required that I check mazeMan's proposed newRect against the list of wall rects. Then, when the move was allowed, I changed mazeMan's rect and left the pRectList as is. So why wouldn't that work in the second example? From mazeMan's perspective, he's in the same maze -- his world as defined by pRectList is the same. So we can use exactly the same method of evaluating potential intersections. All that we really need to change is what happens when a move is allowed. Instead of using mazeMan's newRect to display the movement, we'll need to send a message out to all of the maze sprites to moveMaze. Still foggy? Hang in there and it'll become clearer.
In this second example, we'll need to use the same startMovie and passKeyEvent movie script. The maze gets set up exactly the same way, with each wall being a separate sprite. If you're going to have a huge maze, set your stage size to be huge, set up the maze, then reset your stage size down to the final dimension and place mazeMan at the center of that. (Don't forget to set up walls around the perimeter of the maze.) In this second demo, I created a background or "floor" for the maze so that you can always tell if the maze is moving underneath the character -- even when the walls appear the same from frame to frame. This brings up an important point.
There will probably be some objects within the maze which need to move with the maze, but with which the character should be allowed to intersect. Obviously, the red brick floor of the maze will be in constant intersection with mazeMan. And we'll probably want to put traps and potions and monsters and gold throughout the maze. They'll all need to move with the maze while allowing the character to move over them for collection or a fight or whatever. Therefore, we'll need two separate behaviors for the maze objects/walls. The first behavior is the same one we used before: reportRect. But that one will only go on objects like the walls which are barriers. The second behavior is the one which will actually move the sprite in unison with all the others: mazeMover. There's not much to it really...
property pSprite on beginSprite me pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum) end on moveMaze me, deltaH, deltaV pSprite.loc = pSprite.loc + point((deltaH * -1), ¬ (deltaV * -1)) end
So add the mazeMover behavior to all of the objects and walls in the maze (but not to mazeMan of course.)
Let's look at the needed revisions to the mazeMan (static) behavior. You'll notice that I've changed some of the properties. We no longer need to move the mazeMan sprite, so I don't bother with the pSprite property. But we'll need to keep track of the virtual rect of mazeMan, so there's a new property called pMyVrect. I've also renamed pRectList to pVRectList -- just for clarity.
property pVRectList, pMoveIncr, pRIGHTkey, pLEFTkey property pUPkey, pDOWNkey, pHDir, pVDir, pMyVrect global gMazeMan -- should be applied to sprite moving through maze -- NOTE: this sprite must be in a higher numbered -- sprite channel than the maze walls on getPropertyDescriptionList me set pdlist to [:] addprop pdlist, #pMoveIncr, [#comment:"Move increment ¬ (pixels):", #format:#integer, #default:8] addprop pdlist, #pRIGHTkey, [#comment:"Right Key:", ¬ #format:#string, #default:"L"] addprop pdlist, #pLEFTkey, [#comment:"Left Key:", ¬ #format:#string, #default:"J"] addprop pdlist, #pUPkey, [#comment:"Up Key:", ¬ #format:#string, #default:"I"] addprop pdlist, #pDOWNkey, [#comment:"Down Key:", ¬ #format:#string, #default:"K"] return pdlist end getPropertyDescriptionList on beginSprite me gMazeMan = me.spriteNum pVRectList = [] sendAllSprites(#reportRect, pVRectList) pHDir = 0 pVDir = 0 pMyVrect = sprite(me.spriteNum).rect end beginSprite on getKey me pHDir = 0 pVDir = 0 case the key of pRIGHTkey: pHDir = 1 pLEFTkey: pHDir = -1 pUPkey: pVDir = -1 pDOWNkey: pVDir = 1 end case end on prepareFrame me if pHDir <> 0 OR pVDir <> 0 then deltaH = pHDir * pMoveIncr deltaV = pVDir * pMoveIncr deltaRect = rect(deltaH,deltaV,deltaH,deltaV) newVrect = pMyVrect + deltaRect repeat with mazeRect in pVRectList if intersect(newVrect, mazeRect) > 0 then pHDir = 0 pVDir = 0 exit end if end repeat pMyVrect = newVrect sendAllSprites(#moveMaze, deltaH, deltaV) end if end
It looks almost identical to our previous mazeMan behavior. The alterations are mainly in the prepareFrame handler. In this new behavior, the newVrect (new virtual rect) is calculated by adding the deltaRect to our pMyVrect value. This value is checked against the rectList as before. But if the move is allowed, we see the major difference in the two behaviors -- see the last few lines of the prepareFrame handler. In the first mazeMan behavior, the rect of the mazeMan sprite is set to the new rect. But in this new mazeMan, only the pMyVrect gets the new value, and the character on stage doesn't move. Instead, a command is sent out to all sprites to #moveMaze. The mazeMover behavior we applied to all of the maze's walls and objects receives the message and moves its sprite accordingly.
That's the nuts and bolts! Now you can take the concept and add some fun stuff. For example, you could create a behavior for object collection, which would be sort of like the rectList except that intersection wouldn't cause a stop. Instead, intersection would result in a reward or penalty. If you get really ambitious, you'll read over the maze monster article I did a few weeks ago and adapt it so that monsters can move through a moving maze. Don't ask me to do it for you!
Sample code for both movies is available for download in Mac or PC format. This is a director 7 movie.
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