from MX 2004 Documentation
postNetText(url, propertyList {,serverOSString} {,serverCharSetString})
postNetText(url, postText {,serverOSString} {,serverCharSetString})
Undocumented Syntax
Director 10.1: The propList might also contain the property #mimetype
postNetText(url, postText {,serverOSString} {,characterSet} {,mimeType})
mimeType Optional. The mimeType parameter can be used to specify a mime type for the request. When postNetText is called with a propertylist for encoding of CGI queries, the mime type is set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". When a program uses the alternate form, a string instead of property list, the postText string is sent to the server as an HTTP POST request. You can override the default MIME type of "text/plain" with a string passed in as this optional parameter.
Example from the updated Director 10.1 docs
This example function assumes you have a SOAP [Simple Object Access Protocol] string ready to post and you need a custom mime type for it.
on startSoapRequest url = "" postText = member("SoapRequest").text mime = "text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\nSOAPAction: " & QUOTE & QUOTE return postNetText(url, postText, "Unix", "ASCII", mime) end
Here is this example in JavaScript syntax.
function startSoapRequest() { var url; var mime; url = ""; posttext = member("SoapRequest").text; mime = "text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\nSOAPAction: \"\""; return postNetText(url, posttext, "Unix", "ASCII", mime); }