Below is the section of HTML used for the MUS demo. The key part, shown in red is the property list sent as a string via parameter sw1

<!-- begin OBJECT TAGs for MSIE -->

<!-- NOTE the use of the sw1 parameter tags in both code
	 sets. Be sure to wrap the entire Lingo list in single quotes! -->
<object classid="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000"
 ID=mu_login width=640 height=480 name="mu">
	<param name=src value="mu_login.dcr">
	<param name=swRemote value="swSaveEnabled='true' 
	    swVolume='true' swRestart='true' swPausePlay='true' 
	    swFastForward='true' swContextMenu='true' ">
	<param name=swStretchStyle value=none>
	<PARAM NAME=bgColor VALUE=#000000> 
	<param name="sw1" value='[ #defaultuser:"DOUG", 
        #server:"", #port:1626, #showPass: false, 
        #showServer:false, #appTitle:"The Big MUS Game", #movieID:"myGame", 
        #movieDest:"simple", #movieDestFrame:"", #validGroupSource:#param, 
        #groupMode:#entered, #groups:["geeks", "freaks", "leeks"] ]' >

<!-- begin EMBED code for NETSCAPE -->

<embed src="mu_login.dcr" bgColor=#000000  
	width=640 height=480 name="mu" 
	swRemote="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='true' 
	          swPausePlay='true' swFastForward='true' 
	          swContextMenu='true' " swStretchStyle=none 

	sw1='[ #defaultuser:"DOUG", 
         #server:"", #port:1626, #showPass: false, 
         #showServer:false, #appTitle:"The Big MUS Game", #movieID:"myGame", 
         #movieDest:"simple", #movieDestFrame:"", #validGroupSource:#param, 
         #groupMode:#entered, #groups:["geeks", "freaks", "leeks"] ]'  