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The Director MX 2004 documentation is wrong about the new Director Object Model (DOM) syntax for the activeCastLib. The documentation states that it is a _player property while it is in fact a _movie property.

From: Thomas Higgins <>

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 14:04:18 -0800

Subject: RE: Using activeCastLib

Try this instead: _movie.activeCastLib

It's not a player property as the docs indicate (as does my DOM document :/), rather it's a movie object property. I'm filing a bug and updating my DOM document now.

> I've tried setting the scriptExecutionStyle - which brings up
> an additional question of "will the movie honor it's own
> scriptExecutionStyle if this is a MIAW tool?"

I believe that each MIAW will obey its own scriptExecutionStyle property setting, but that might not be a concern given the above information.

Note: you can still use the old school 'the activeCastLib' without setting the scriptExecutionStyle property, that particular property is not affected by the execution style. This is true for most of the deprecated verbose syntax, support is there and waiting and only a specific sub-set of properties and commands are affected (see Dan Sadowski's article in the Developer Center [1] for a listing of exactly what is affected by the scriptExecutionStyle).


Tom Higgins - Technical Product Manager

Macromedia Director and the Shockwave Player