Apache Web Server

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Apache Web Server is the "de facto" standard of the tons of web servers out there. Some are even derivatives of it, while others are spin-offs to present a "developed here" alternative.

Due to its license model, it can be used anywhere without any problems, and also can be integrated into products without issues (one should always get legal advice when handling these things).

Why is Apache needed for collaborative developing in Director?

Because the other tools need it, benefit from it and is a handy tool to have around anyway.

So, without more delays, let's get into business and install a nice little web server on our "build" machine.

Mac OS X

Reference: http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2001/12/07/apache.html

Mac OS X have Apache already in the system, it only needs to be activated. To activate it you will need to click in the Apple Menu, choose "System Preferences," then select "Sharing". Then activate "Start" button.

At this point the web server is working already.

If your user name is myusername then you can access your personnal web page at:

The root of that "web space" is at:


The root of the web server can be reached in the address:

The root of that "web space" is at:


Important: The location of httpd.conf file (configuration of everything apache related) is


The source info for this block is heavy on useful information, so refer to it please.

Note: Mac OS X comes with a version of Apache Web Server which can be a bit outdated. Check the following link for the way how to update it, but isn't for the faint of hearth (meaning, needs the arcane art of the shell): http://www.geektimes.com/macintosh/os/x/10_0/and/apache_install.html


Reference: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/platform/windows.html

Even if Windows can use IIS (at least some versions do), Apache is much better for our objectives.

Apache can be download from: http://httpd.apache.org

  • You'll find binaries not only for Windows but also for several versions of Linux, BSD and the like.
  • To install Apache on Windows, just download the latest stable release (which currently is "Apache 2.2.9").
  • Opt for the "with ssl" version if possible.
  • Run the installer and opt for the default on all configurations.
  • When asked on how to run the service, current user or all users, opt for the "all users".
  • After the finish, the Apache should be installed.

The install directory where all files are located is:

%Programs%\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2

On my machine this means:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2

The root configuration (httpd.conf) is in:

%Programs%\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf

The default configuration will work in most cases. If not, check the issue and correct the httpd.conf file and relaunch Apache.

The normal issue is if port 80 is already used for another service. In that case, you will have to search for a line


and be sure to add below something like:

Listen 88

This will make Apache use port 88. Change with your prefered port number.

Other issues may arise, so feel free to check the documentation and/or comment here or in the mailing list.

The root address of the web server will work on the address:


The root directory where all the files will reside is located in:

%Programs%\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs

And that is all that is needed to have Apache running on the build machine.

Windows Vista

Windows Vista follows the standard Windows install procedure.

However, due to an issue on how the "hosts" are configured by default in Windows Vista, the "http://localhost" doesn't work as it worked under the other Windows "variants".

So, if Apache is working as but not as http://localhost

Just go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc

And in the file "hosts", remove the entry ::1 localhost (or comment it with a #).

Also, if you can't connect to your web server from another computer, check how the firewall is configured.

By default, Apache will add it's own application in the firewall program exception rules, but will not add the port defined for it to run in the execption rules (windows firewall at that).

For other firewalls, check their configuration. Normally you can add the port for the web server in a exclusion list (allowing trafic to pass thru).

Firefox wrong url fix

Also, under Firefox, if you have try to go to http://localhost and you get a failure at www.localhost.com it just means that you have a "fix url" activated.

To deactivate it (recommended), type in the url: "about:config"

Then find for "browser.urlbar.matchOnlyTyped" and turn it on.

Now you get a page not found as it should happen when you type a wrong url...

Other Operating Systems

For our purposes, they aren't relevant due to the fact that Director can't run unfortunatly on them. Even if Apache runs in almost all existing Operating Systems.
