Audio Lingo By Category

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Audio Overview

The new Audio feature introduces three new object types: mixer, soundObject and audioFilter. If you come from a background in sound design or audio engineering you will find that audioFilters correspond to what you call effects.

Mixers and SoundObjects share a number of methods and properties. These are grouped together at the beginning of this section. Mixer-only and SoundObject-only methods and properties are listed further down. AudioFilters are treated at the end of this section.

To create a new #mixer member:

 vMember = new(#mixer)

To create a new soundObject within a given mixer:

 vSoundObject = mixer.createSoundObject()

To create a new audioFilter:

 vAudioFilter = audioFilter(#FilterSymbol)

To apply an audio filter to a mixer or soundObject:

 audioObject.filterList.addAt(<position>, vAudioFilter)

SoundObjects can play back sound read in from a byteArray. Refer to the byteArray section for more details.

Methods shared by Mixers and SoundObjects

Properties shared by Mixers and SoundObjects

Mixer-only Methods

Mixer-only properties

SoundObject-only Methods

SoundObject-only Properties


To create an audioFilter:

Property shared by all audioFilters:

Properties of each different type of filters: