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-- for i := 0 to 255 do CosineTab[i] := Round(64-Cos(i*Pi/255)*64);
--c := CosineTab[b] + CosineTab[a];
--if c > 255 then result := 255 else result := c;
-- ******* interpolation mode *************
on interpolationBlendMode (image1, image2)
  theWidth = image1.width - 1
  theHeight = image1.height - 1
  theImage = image(theWidth + 1, theHeight + 1, 32)
  CosineTab = []
  repeat with i = 1 to 256
    CosineTab[i] = integer(64-Cos((i-1)*Pi/255.0)*64)
  end repeat
  repeat with x = 0 to theWidth
    repeat with y = 0 to theHeight
      theColour1 = image1.getPixel(point(x,y))
      theColour2 = image2.getPixel(point(x,y))
      theNewColour = color(0,0,0) = min(CosineTab[ + 1] + CosineTab[ + 1], 255) = min(CosineTab[ + 1] + CosineTab[ + 1], 255) = min(CosineTab[ + 1] + CosineTab[ + 1], 255)
      theImage.setPixel(point(x, y), theNewColour)
    end repeat
  end repeat
  return theImage