Zoom Image

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Zoom an image in and out.

Drop this behaviour on a bitmap image sprite and zoom in and out with left mouse clicks.

property pSprite
property pMember
property pCurrentRect
property pMemberImage
property pZoomLevel
on beginSprite me
  pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
  pMember = pSprite.member
  pMemberImage = pMember.image.duplicate()
  pCurrentRect = pMemberImage.rect
  pZoomLevel = 1.0
on endSprite me
  pMember.image = pMemberImage
on mouseDown me
  tImage = image(pSprite.width,pSprite.height,32)
  _movie.stage.image.copyPixels(tImage, pSprite.rect, tImage.rect)
  relLoc = _mouse.mouseLoc - point(pSprite.left,pSprite.top)
  normlH = relLoc[1]/float(pSprite.width)
  normlV = relLoc[2]/float(pSprite.height)
  imgLocH = pCurrentRect[1] + (normlH * pCurrentRect.width)
  imgLocV = pCurrentRect[2] + (normlV * pCurrentRect.height)
  if (the commandDown) then 
    pZoomLevel = pZoomLevel / 2.0
    newWidth = pCurrentRect.width * 2.0
    newHeight = pCurrentRect.height * 2.0
    newLeft = imgLocH - (newWidth / 2.0)
    newRight = imgLocH + (newWidth / 2.0)
    newTop = imgLocV - (newHeight / 2.0)
    newBottom = imgLocV + (newHeight / 2.0)
    newRect = rect(newLeft,newTop,newRight,newBottom)
    pCurrentRect = newRect
    pZoomLevel = pZoomLevel * 2.0
    newWidth = pCurrentRect.width / 2.0
    newHeight = pCurrentRect.height / 2.0
    newLeft = imgLocH - (newWidth / 2.0)
    newRight = imgLocH + (newWidth / 2.0)
    newTop = imgLocV - (newHeight / 2.0)
    newBottom = imgLocV + (newHeight / 2.0)
    newRect = rect(newLeft,newTop,newRight,newBottom)
    pCurrentRect = newRect
  end if
  _movie.stage.image.copyPixels(pMemberImage, pSprite.rect, newRect)