Blend 2 images with blend modes
From Director Online Wiki
-- lbxBlendImages -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- Blend 2 images with given blendMode -- -- PARAMETERS: -- lowImg is the base image object -- topImg is the image object to be blended on top of lowImg -- blendMode is the string of the blend mode to apply. -- The 14 possible values are: -- "normal" -- "layer" -- "multiply" -- "screen" -- "lighten" -- "darken" -- "difference" -- "add" -- "subtract" -- "invert" -- "alpha" -- "erase" -- "overlay" -- "hardlight" -- -- EXAMPLE: -- myImg = lbxBlendImages(member("img1").image, member("img2").image, "multiply") on lbxBlendImages img1, img2, blendMode lowImg = convert(#bitmapdata, img1) topImg = convert(#bitmapdata, img2) tColor = newObject("flash.geom.ColorTransform") tMatrix = newObject("flash.geom.Matrix") lowImg.draw(topImg, tMatrix, tColor, blendMode) img = convert(#image, lowImg) lowImg.dispose() topImg.dispose() return img end
Tested on D10/D11 on Windows XP
Please note that the maximum dimensions for BitmapData-Objects are 2880px width and height.