Colin Holgate
In May 1995 I had to program a CD-ROM that needed to be cross platform right away (at Voyager I would often do a Mac HyperCard [[1]] version of a CD-ROM, and then we would get a PC version developed out of house, in Visual Basic or Toolbook, etc). This CD-ROM was titled The Day After Trinity, and was to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the atom bomb tests. Hence the need to be cross platform at release, and also I only had two months to make the deadline! For whatever reason I took to Director well enough (version 4.04), and managed to get the CD-ROM done in time. It's amazing what you can achieve in a few 80 hour weeks!
Since then I've spent almost every working day using Director. Occasionally Funny Garbage make me do something in Flash, but otherwise I'm as full time a Director user as there is.
I just stole a bit of code from Andy's profile [[2]]. Here's my nowhere near as impressive list of DOUG articles: [[3]].