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Type: Movie method
Version:  ?
Language: Lingo, JavaScript
Dependencies: none
fileName, importFileInto(), fileIO xtra

Returns "" or the name of a file or folder in the given folder.


from MX 2004 Documentation

 vFileName = getNthFileNameInFolder(absolute path to folder, positive integer file number)


on getListOfFilesInFolder(aFolderPath, aRecursive) -------------------
  -- INPUT: <aFolderPath> should be a string absolute path to a folder
  --        <aRecursive>, if it is TRUE, will add the contents of all
  --         subfolders to the output list
  -- OUTPUT: Returns a property list with the format:
  --         [<string file name>: 0,
  --          <string folder name>: [<string file name>: 0, ...]
  --          <string empty folder name>:   0,
  --          ...]
  -- NOTE:   If aRecursive is not TRUE, then both files and folders
  --         will have a value of 0.  If aRecursive is TRUE, then
  --         non-empty folders will have a property list as their
  --         value; files and empty folders will have a value of 0.
  if not stringP(aFolderPath) then
    return #stringFolderPathExpected
  end if
  aRecursive = (aRecursive = TRUE)
  if aRecursive then
    -- Ensure that aFolderPath ends with the platform-specific
    -- folder delimiter
    if the platform starts "Win" then
      vDelimiter = "\"
      vDelimiter = ":"
    end if
    if the last char of aFolderPath <> vDelimiter then
      put vDelimiter after aFolderPath
    end if
  end if
  -- Iterate through the folder
  vFileList = [:]
  n = 0
  repeat while TRUE
    n = n + 1
    vFileName = getNthFileNameInFolder(aFolderPath, n)
    if vFileName = "" then
      -- There are no more items in this folder
      return vFileList
    end if
    if aRecursive then
      -- Check if this "file" is actually a non-empty folder
      vFolder = aFolderPath&vFileName&vDelimiter
      vContents = getListOfFilesInFolder(vFolder, TRUE)
      if not vContents.count then
        vContents = 0
      end if
      vContents = 0
    end if
    vFileList.addProp(vFileName, vContents)
  end repeat
  return vFileList
end getListOfFilesInFolder

on getTypedFilesInFolder(aFolderPath, aExtension) --------------------
  -- INPUT: <aFolderPath> should be a string absolute path to a folder
  --        <aExtension> should be a string extension, such as "txt"
  -- OUTPUT: Returns a linear list with the format...
  --         [<string file name>, ...]
  --         ... where all the file names have the given extension.
  if not stringP(aFolderPath) then
    return #stringFolderPathExpected
  else if not stringP(aExtension) then
    return #stringExtensionExpected
  end if
  -- Remove any leading dots
  repeat while (aExtension starts ".")
    delete char 1 of aExtension
  end repeat
  the itemDelimiter = "."
  -- Iterate through the folder
  vFileList = []
  n = 0
  repeat while TRUE
    n = n + 1
    vFileName = getNthFileNameInFolder(aFolderPath, n)
    if vFileName = "" then
      -- There are no more items in this folder
      return vFileList
    end if
    if the last item of vFileName = aExtension then
    end if
  end repeat
  return vFileList
end getTypedFilesInFolder  

See also

fileName, importFileInto(), FileIO xtra