Max Heap
From Director Online Wiki
--a heap is a semi organised structure, at the root it has the maximum (or minimum need to change code for that) value. -- --methodes: -- deleteRootFromMaxHeap(heap) removes the maximum value, and returns the other values in a heap structure -- addToMaxHeap(heap,b) adds the value b to the existing maxheap "heap" -- TestHeap() shows how the heap works --the heap is just a list in this implementation, with the max value at list[1]. a object (parent script) version could also be made . --this Max heap can also be recoded to a Min heap by changing some + and -. --the value b can be exchanged by a [key, content] to be more usefull, where key takes the place for b and the content can be anything. --It is a standart implementation translated to lingo from the book: Computer Algorithms, Introduction to design and Analysis. --It is my assumption that these datastuctures are so common and old that they are in public domain. Correct me if im wrong. on TestHeap() --maak een heap aan met addToHeap() heap=[] repeat with n=1 to 20 addToMaxHeap(heap,random(50)) end repeat put "addHeapTest", heap repeat with n=1 to 5 heap=deleteRootFromMaxHeap(heap) end repeat put "heap left:" , heap end on addToMaxHeap(heap,b) n=heap.count heap.addAt(n+1,b) return addMaxHulp(heap, n+1, b) end on addMaxHulp(heap, n,b) if n = 1 then heap[1]=b return heap end if ParentB=(n)/2 if heap[ParentB] < b then heap[n]=heap[ParentB] heap[ParentB]=b addMaxHulp(heap, ParentB , b) end if return heap end on deleteRootFromMaxHeap(heap) n=heap.count if n>1 then rightLeaf=heap[n] heap.deleteAt(n) return fixMaxheap(heap,heap.count,1, rightLeaf) --deleted at rightest leaf now fix heap to het the max out and the rightLeaf in else if n=1 then heap.deleteAt(1) return heap else return heap put "no heap input" end if end on fixMaxheap(heap,n,root,toBeInserted) --n=heapsize leftChild=2*root rightChild=2*root+1 if (leftChild>n) then heap[root]=toBeInserted else if (leftChild = n) then largerSubHeap= leftChild else if heap[leftChild] > heap[rightChild] then largerSubHeap=leftChild else largerSubHeap=rightChild end if if (toBeInserted >= heap[largerSubHeap]) then heap[root]=toBeInserted else heap[root]= heap[largerSubHeap] return fixMaxHeap(heap, n, largerSubHeap, toBeInserted) end if end if return heap end