Print R

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on print_R(plist, tabs) -- Takes a propList and returns its string equivalent
  --                       in human readable (but still "value()able") form :).
  --                       Based on php's print_r function.
  EOLN = " \" &RETURN
  lCount = plist.count  
  str = "[" &EOLN
  repeat with i = 1 to lCount
    p = getPropAt(plist, i)
    v = getAt(plist, i)
    -- If we recurse, then the following should cause our
    -- nested proplist to be indented.    
    thisLine = ""
    repeat with j = 1 to tabs
      put TAB after thisLine  
    end repeat
    case (p.ilk) of
      (#integer): put string(p) after thisLine
      (#string): put QUOTE&p&QUOTE after thisLine
      (#symbol): put "#"&string(p) after thisLine
      otherwise put "Unsupported property type: " &p    
    end case
    put ": " after thisLine
   case (v.ilk) of
     (#string): put QUOTE&v&QUOTE after thisLine
     (#symbol): put "#"&string(v) after thisLine
      (#void): put "#void" after thisLine
      (#proplist): put print_R(v, tabs+1) after thisLine  
      otherwise put string(v) after thisLine  
    end case
    if (i < lCount) then put "," after thisLine
    put EOLN after thisLine   
    put thisLine after str  
  end repeat
  eof_plist = ""
  repeat with j = 1 to tabs
    put TAB after eof_plist  
  end repeat
  put eof_plist &"]" after str
  return str
--[[User:Cole|CBT]] 13:14, 12 Oct 2005 (MDT)