Robert Tweed
I started working with Director version 7 in 1999, initially for simple presentations but it was not long before I was developing games as sticky content for websites.
In 2001, I set up my own company, Killing Moon Software [[1]], based in Glasgow, Scotland. I develop games and multimedia applications using Director, and occasionally Flash. I also spend at least as much time developing web-based applications for e-commerce and content management, using the likes of PHP, MySQL, XML and JavaScript.
Prior to that, my background was in hardware and low-level programming, mainly using C and assembly language. I have always had an interest in game design, wiring my first games in Basic for the ZX-81.
I maintain my own resource for Director developers at:
Killing Moon / Director [[2]]
In May 2002, I started the openLingo initiative, which is a developer community having the goal of developing a unified library of common Lingo scripts that can easily be reused in Director projects. For more information about openLingo, see:
openLingo website [[3]] - Still under development
openLingo Yahoo group [[4]] - The temporary Yahoo group