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- (De)Serialize the SystemDate
- 34 Blend Modes - Pure Imaging Lingo
- 3D Behavior Library
- 3D Lingo Snippets
- 3D Picking
- 47 Colour Conversion Algorithms
- A
- AND Blend Mode
- ASSET.library
- A Simple Game with source
- Aaron Nimocks
- Accessing values of properties in ancestors
- Acos
- Activate Local Help System
- ActiveCastLib
- ActorList
- Add
- AddCamera
- Add Prop At
- Adding a Spell Checker to your Application
- Additive
- AlertHook
- Ancestor
- Andrew Phelps
- Animate mesh with perlinNoise
- Animated GIF
- Ant
- AntiAliasingEnabled
- Apache Web Server
- Append
- AsFFT Xtra
- Asin
- Assorted 2D vector functions
- Asterisk symbol
- Audio
- AudioLingo
- Audio Lingo (alphabetical)
- Audio Lingo By Category
- Automate Director
- B
- BUTTON.builder
- Bad title
- BeginSprite
- Behavior
- Bezier Path generator
- Bilinear Resampling and 21 Other Filters
- Blend 2 images with blend modes
- Blend 2 images with copypixels and alpha mask
- Blue Blend Mode
- BreakConnection
- Broker Script
- BuddyAPI
- Bug Database
- Bugzilla
- Button Hover Reflection
- ByteArray
- ByteArray - getPixels() & setPixels()
- ByteArray - getPixels( & setPixels()
- ByteArray Lingo (alphabetical)
- ByteArray Lingo by Category
- C
- CAMERA.builder
- CAR.builder
- CGI in Lingo
- Cast
- Ceil
- ChangeRes Xtra
- CharPosToLoc
- Check typo
- Clamp Vector
- ClearAtRender
- CloseRequest
- Coding Convention Discussion
- Cole Tierney
- Colin Holgate
- Collaboration Wiki
- Collatz Conjecture
- Collision
- Collision Detection Scripts for 2D Games
- Colour Burn
- Colour Dodge
- Communication Behavior Library
- Communication Lingo Snippets
- Constan
- Constant
- Convert to grayscale
- Converts Polar coordinates to Cartesian Coordinates, and back
- CopyPixels
- CopyToClipboard
- Create Histograms from Images
- Create Timeout Object
- Creating Behaviors on the Fly
- Creation
- Cross-domain Policy
- Cross-fade Transition
- CurrentSpriteNum
- D
- Darken
- Databases
- Dean Utian
- Debugging Tips
- Debugging php message window style
- DeleteAll
- DeleteAt
- DeleteProp
- Dereferencing
- Developer Profile
- DgbPropList
- Difference
- Director 11
- Director 11.5
- Director 11.5 Tips & Tricks
- Director 11 Unported Xtras
- Director 11 Unsupported Xtras
- Director 11 Xtras
- Director Articles
- Director Live Online Meetings
- Director MIME Types
- Director Resources
- Director System Info
- Director Wiki Discussion
- Displacement Filter with Perlin Noise
- Distance between two points
- Do
- Duplicate
- DuplicateXtras
- E
- End Of Line Characters
- EnterFrame
- Exclusion
- Explode
- External Files
- External Script Editors
- F
- FONT.viewer
- Fibonacci number
- Field
- FieldOfView
- FileIo
- FileSaveMode
- FileXtra
- FixedLineSpace
- Flash
- Flash Component Button Behavior
- Flash Component NumericStepper Behavior
- Flash Component TextInput Behavior
- Flatten List
- FloodFill
- Floor
- FontList
- FrameTempo
- Frame Events
- Freeze
- Full menu command list
- Function
- G
- Garbage Collection
- Gary Rosenzweig
- Gc
- Generating dynamic object/emded tags
- GetNetByteArray()
- GetNthFileNameInFolder
- GetPref
- GetPropertyDescriptionList
- Getting Started
- Global
- Glow
- Greatest common divisor
- Green Blend Mode
- Grepx
- H
- Handler
- Hard Light
- Hdiutil
- Heat
- Hex, Decimal conversion
- I
- ISOengine
- Ilk
- Image
- Image()
- Imaging Lingo
- Imaging Lingo Behavior Library
- Imaging Lingo Snippets
- ImportFileInto
- Inheritance
- InstallMenu
- Instance
- Intel mac
- Internet Connection Status
- Interpolation
- Inverse Colour Burn
- Inverse Colour Dodge
- Is Power of Two
- Is power of two
- J
- James Newton
- JavaScript
- JavaScript Dictionary
- Javascript/Lingo wrapper
- Join 2 lists
- K
- Kiosk design
- Known command numbers
- L
- Learn More About
- Lighten
- Limit
- LingoKeyword
- Lingo Dictionary
- Lingo Inheritance
- Lingo by Feature
- Linked Director Movies
- List
- ListP
- Lists Lingo Snippets
- LocalConnection
- LocalConnection & Flash Music Data
- Ltrim
- M
- MP4/FLV Video
- MP4 Lingo (alphabetical)
- MP4 Lingo By Category
- Macintosh Package
- Mailing List
- Main Page
- Manual:Embed Shockwave and Flash Files
- Manual:First Steps
- Manual:Syntax Highlighting
- Map
- Mask
- Math Behavior Library
- Math Lingo Snippets
- Max Heap
- Method
- Microsoft Vista
- Modifier
- Modify the image of the stage
- Mohammed Ibrahim
- Movie.label
- MultiUser Server
- Multiple Inheritance
- Multiply
- Multiuser Server Hosting
- Multiuser Xtra
- N
- Native Video Playback MP4/F4V/FLV
- Nearest Down power of two
- Nearest up power of two
- Negation
- New
- NewMember
- O
- OR Blend Mode
- Object
- ObjectP
- Object Oriented
- Object Oriented Programming
- Objects
- OpenAL Xtra
- Operator Symbols
- Optical Media Production
- OptionDown
- Orthogonal projection of a vector over a plane
- Overlay
- P
- P90X workout guide
- PHP Samples
- PHP to Lingo ports
- PI
- PRegEx
- Pad string
- Parent
- Parent Script
- Password Font (ttf)
- PasteClipBoardInto
- Performance Tools
- Performance Tuning
- Platform Differences
- Point of intersection between 2 lines
- PostNetText
- Predicate
- Print R
- Print via Flash
- Project Management In Director
- ProjectionAngle
- Projection of a vector over a plane
- Psuedo synchronos - asnych events
- Psuedo synchronous - asnychronous lingo
- Publish from the commandline
- PuppetTempo
- Q
- Quaternion
- R
- RGB-HLS Conversion
- RandomTransform
- Rect
- Red Blend Mode
- Red Eye Removal
- Reflect
- Regular Expressions with JavaScript
- Research
- Resource and Icon Editor
- Reverse Cell phone lookup
- Rgb()
- Rigid Body Physics
- Rob Romanek
- Robert Tweed
- Rotate one vector around another a certain angle
- Rtrim
- S
- SCRIPT.library
- SKY.builder
- Scope
- Score
- Screen
- Script Window
- ScrollTop
- Scrollbar Behavior
- Secure getAt
- Serialize, Deserialize D11&MX2004
- Serialize string to list
- SetContentsAfter
- SetContentsBefore
- SetPref
- Shell Xtra
- Shockwave3D
- Shockwave3D member
- Shockwave Player Version History
- ShowTransform
- Shuffle list
- SimpleSmooth Controls (cdr)
- Single Inheritance
- Singleton
- SlideShow with custom transition
- Soft Burn