Wheelmouse Xtra Snippet
Required Xtras
Wheelmouse Xtra (free) - http://www.mods.com.au/xtras/
The Wheelmouse Xtra enables use of the mousewheel in Director.
Scrolling in a text field with the mousewheel.
First of all you must activate the WheelMouseEvent. This will happen "on startMovie" event of film script:
-- Lingo-Syntax on startMovie startWheelMouse() end
Now the WheelMouseEvent is available and ready to intercept for scrolling with the mousewheel in a text field. In that case create a sprite behavior on the text field sprite and intercept the event as follows.
-- Lingo-Syntax on WheelMouseEvent value if value > 0 then member("myTextField").scrollByLine(-1) else member("myTextField").scrollByLine(1) end if end
The value delivered to the WheelMouseEvent is greater than zero (mostly 120) if the mousewheel will be turn away by the user. Stiring the wheel to yourself, the value will be less than zero (mostly -120).
Don't forget to stop the WheelMouseEvent if playback has quit. This will happen on event "on stopMovie" of a film script.
-- Lingo-Syntax on stopMovie stopWheelMouse() end