From Director Online Wiki
Operator Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- cacheDocVerify()
- cacheSize()
- call()
- callAncestor()
- callFrame()
- 3DMember.camera()
- 3DMemberOrSprite.camera
- 3DMemberOrSprite.cameraPosition
- 3DMemberOrSprite.cameraRotation
- cameraCount()
- cancelIdleLoad()
- case ... of
- castLib()
- member.castLibNum
- cursorMember.castMemberList
- member.center
- member.centerRegPoint
- centerStage
- transitionMember.changeArea
- channel()
- _sound.channel()
- sound.channelCount
- DVDobject.chapter
- DVDobject.chapterCount
- DVDobject.chapterCount()
- field.charPosToLoc()
- char ... of
- fontMember.characterSet
- chars()
- textChunk.charSpacing
- charToNum()
- the checkMark of menuItem x of menu y
- 3Dobject.child
- XMLobject.child
- transitionMember.chunkSize
- clearASObjects()
- camera.clearAtRender
- clearCache()
- camera.colorBuffer.clearValue
- clearError()
- clearFrame()
- clearGlobals()
- Flash.clickMode
- the clickOn
- 3DObject.clone()
- 3DObject.cloneDeep()
- 3DObject.cloneModelFromCastMember()
- 3DObject.cloneMotionFromCastMember()
- vectorShape.closed
- DVDobject.closedCaptions
- on closeRequest
- on closeWindow
- closeXLib()
- model.collision.collisionModifierProperty
- collisionData
- collisionData.collisionNormal
- color()
- camera.fog.color
- light.color
- getRendererServices().colorBufferDepth
- the colorDepth
- modelResource.colorList
- particleResource.colorRange.start and .end
- modelResource.face.colors
- shaderModifier.colorSteps
- the commandDown
- the commandLine
- member.comments
- texture.compressed
- constrainH()
- sprite.constraint
- constrainV()
- the controlDown
- videoMember.controller
- image.copyPixels()
- the copyRightInfo
- SWAudio.copyRightInfo
- copyToClipBoard()
- cos()
- .count
- 3Dobject.count
- count()
- the CPUHogTicks
- shaderModifier.creaseAngle
- shaderModifier.creases
- fileio.createFile()
- image.createMask()
- image.createMatte()
- mixer.createSoundObject() New to 11.5
- member.[[creationDate]
- videoMember.crop
- image.crop()
- bitmapMember.crop()
- vector.cross()
- vector.crossProduct()
- on cuePassed
- .cuePointNames
- .cuePointTimes
- motionPlayer.currentLoopState
- the currentSpriteNum
- motionPlayer.currentTime
- member.currentTime
- sprite.currentTime
- cursor()
- sprite.cursor
- cursorMember.cursorSize
- vectorShape.curve[index]
Operator Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z